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A Selection of Past Events - Newest first


25 June: CTISAD hosted the Settle (Skipton and Ripon Constituency) Election Hustings.
Here the candidates rest before the hustings in St John's "Eco-garden" and Marian McNichol outlines the programme.

garden candidates


Election Hustings 2024


Settle Hustings -2024-750


Some Scenes from the Settle Passion Play on Friday 7 April 2023:

On youtube:-

Cock crows and Peter hurries off

Pilate at the trial - settle Passion Play 2023

Pilate and Barrabas:

Soldiers and drum accompany Jesus to Cross

Mary Magdalene's thoughts at the crucifixion scene.

Finale - When I survey the wondrous cross

Jes and disciples

Jesus with the disciples at the last supper


Pilates view of the trial scene

Pilates view of the Trial Scene at Settle Market

See video: Cock crows and Peter hurries off




watch: Pilate at the trial - settle Passion Play 2023

& Pilate and Barrabas:


View of crucifixion from church window

View of the crucifixion from the church tower window

taking Jesus down form the cross

Taking Jesus down from the cross

Watch youtube: Mary Magdalene's thoughts at the crucifixion scene.
& Finale - When I survey the wondrous cross


PAST EVENTS: (Links to more past events here)

The theme of 2023 year's Week of Prayer for Chrisitian Unity was "Be-Longing" and included the theme of racial justice. This video was shown at the service on Sunday 22 Jan


Sat 26 November: The Mother's Union met at Holy Ascension at 12.40 ready to walk to the market place at 1pm for short demonstration about gender based violence and genital mutilation.

The campaign is called 1 in 3.

. Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Spanning many societies, it can affect anyone at any time and takes many forms. It can be part of a damaging cultural ‘norm’, or hidden behind closed doors. It can be very difficult to ask for help.


Peter, Caiaphas, the witnesses (Market place scene)



See video of the favourite hymn "The Day thou gavest"


1st Day of Each Month: Walk and Prayers for the Ecological and Climate Emergency organised by Churches Together in Settle and District. contact

1 Nov 2023: Hellifield Flash & LongPreston Deeps - Cororants and Marsh Harrier

1 Oct: Visit to Scaleber Foss and Attermire

2 Sept: Visit to Swindale near Haweswater.

1 Aug: - A walk to Blua Crags - the crags above Settle.
July: The walk will be part of National Meadows Day (held for National Meadow Day on 1 July) up at Lower Winskill Farm

1 June: Ashes Pasture in Ribblesdale
1 May - We ended up making four separate walks
1 April: Newton in Bowland
1 March 2023: Childrens Play area on Bond Lane (12 species of tree) followed by walk to the Folly Cafe.
1 Feb 2023 we walked from Giggleswick to look inside Giggleswick Chapel


Giggleswcik Chapel WalkGiggleswick chapel Walk

Above: Window about Creation in Giggleswcik Chapel



On 1 Jan 2023 We did not hold a walk ourselves but encouraged people to attend the parish walk at Keasden Head Farm (See walk 12 months ago)


On 1 Dec 2022 six of us walked up the Nature Trail at Clapham sang a song for COP15 Biodiversity Summit - found waxcaps and saw the sunset.
On 1 Nov - Side of Settle Golf Course. Just two of us went and recorded Waxcaps (the other 12 had genuine excuses)
On 1 Oct Fungi were found at Scaleber, but the main group met at Upper Settle
On 1 Sept we found cranberries on Rathmell Common
On 1 Aug we revisited Malham Tarn Fen SSSI- so much has changed in a month! On 1 July we visited Malham Tarn Fen
On 1 June we visited sites near Colt Park near Ribblehead
On 1 May we had a short walk at Horton following the Lambing Service.
On 1 April we walked up the slopes of Penyghent and saw the purple saxifrage
On 1 March we walked from Helwith Bridge round the Moss, and below Foredale
On 1 Feb we walked from Gig to Close House near the bypass & back via the Ribble
On 1 Jan 2022 we went to Keasden Head

2022 -2021

On 1 Dec 2021 we went to Rathmell
On 1 Nov we went to Austwick, Wharf and the Clapper Bridge
On 1 Oct we went to Thorns and Ribblehead
On On Sept 1st we went to Whelpstone Crag.
On 1 Aug we joined the annual St Oswald's Day walk (pics below) at Horton.
On 1 July we went for a walk on a nature reserve in Ribblesdale.
On 1 June we went to Selside
(23 May: CTISAD Pentecost Walk to Oxenber Woods)
On 1 May we walked throught the bluebells at Lord's Wood ) (7)
On 1 April we ( Just 2 of us - limited to 2 by covid restrictions ) - litter-picked beside the Ribble at Stainforth
On 1 March (I think litter picking in Settle)
On 1 Feb we litter picked beside the Ribble at Stainforth (Just 2 - Covid restrictions)
On 1 Jan 2021 there was not New Year's Day CTISAD walk but Judith went on a walk for the BSBI New Year Plant Hunt
On 1 Dec 2020 We (2) walked up Castleberg Crag and picked litter
On 1 Nov 2020 We went on our first walk for the climate (in the rain) - (3 plus 3) beside the Ribble in Giggleswick and Settle


Welcome to our Churches Together Activities: Here is our 2023: Easter Sunday "Dawn" Service: 9 April outside the Friends Meeting House, next to the Settle Carlisle Line at 7am:

Easter Sunday 2023



PAST EVENTS: (Links to more past events here)

The theme of 2023 year's Week of Prayer for Chrisitian Unity was "Be-Longing" and included the theme of racial justice. This video was shown at the service on Sunday 22 Jan


Sat 26 November: The Mother's Union met at Holy Ascension at 12.40 ready to walk to the market place at 1pm for short demonstration about gender based violence and genital mutilation.

The campaign is called 1 in 3.

. Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Spanning many societies, it can affect anyone at any time and takes many forms. It can be part of a damaging cultural ‘norm’, or hidden behind closed doors. It can be very difficult to ask for help.


Peter, Caiaphas, the witnesses (Market place scene)



See video of the favourite hymn "The Day thou gavest"


1st Day of Each Month: Walk and Prayers for the Ecological and Climate Emergency organised by Churches Together in Settle and District. contact

1 Jan: people do thier own thing - e.g. join the Clapham Parish Walk at Keasden Head.

1 Dec 2023: Walk up How Beck at Stainforth

1 Nov 2023: Hellifeild Flash & LongPreston Deeps - Cororants and Marsh Harrier

1 Oct: Visit to Scaleber Foss and Attermire

2 Sept: Visit to Swindale near Haweswater.

1 Aug: - A walk to Blua Crags - the crags above Settle.
July: The walk will be part of National Meadows Day (held for National Meadow Day on 1 July) up at Lower Winskill Farm

1 June: Ashes Pasture in Ribblesdale
1 May - We ended up making four separate walks
1 April: Newton in Bowland
1 March 2023: Childrens Play area on Bond Lane (12 species of tree) followed by walk to the Folly Cafe.
1 Feb 2023 we walked from Giggleswick to look inside Giggleswick Chapel


Giggleswick Chapel WlakGiggleswick Chapel Walk

Above: Window about Creation in Giggleswcik Chapel



On 1 Jan 2023 We did not hold a walk ourselves but encouraged people to attend the parish walk at Keasden Head Farm (See walk 12 months ago)


On 1 Dec 2022 six of us walked up the Nature Trail at Clapham sang a song for COP15 Biodiversity Summit - found waxcaps and saw the sunset.
On 1 Nov - Side of Settle Golf Course. Just two of us went and recorded Waxcaps (the other 12 had genuine excuses)
On 1 Oct Fungi were found at Scaleber, but the main group met at Upper Settle
On 1 Sept we found cranberries on Rathmell Common
On 1 Aug we revisited Malham Tarn Fen SSSI- so much has changed in a month! On 1 July we visited Malham Tarn Fen
On 1 June we visited sites near Colt Park near Ribblehead
On 1 May we had a short walk at Horton following the Lambing Service.
On 1 April we walked up the slopes of Penyghent and saw the purple saxifrage
On 1 March we walked from Helwith Bridge round the Moss, and below Foredale
On 1 Feb we walked from Gig to Close House near the bypass & back via the Ribble
On 1 Jan 2022 we went to Keasden Head

2022 -2021

On 1 Dec 2021 we went to Rathmell
On 1 Nov we went to Austwick, Wharf and the Clapper Bridge
On 1 Oct we went to Thorns and Ribblehead
On On Sept 1st we went to Whelpstone Crag.
On 1 Aug we joined the annual St Oswald's Day walk (pics below) at Horton.
On 1 July we went for a walk on a nature reserve in Ribblesdale.
On 1 June we went to Selside
(23 May: CTISAD Pentecost Walk to Oxenber Woods)
On 1 May we walked throught the bluebells at Lord's Wood ) (7)
On 1 April we ( Just 2 of us - limited to 2 by covid restrictions ) - litter-picked beside the Ribble at Stainforth
On 1 March (I think litter picking in Settle)
On 1 Feb we litter picked beside the Ribble at Stainforth (Just 2 - Covid restrictions)
On 1 Jan 2021 there was not New Year's Day CTISAD walk but Judith went on a walk for the BSBI New Year Plant Hunt
On 1 Dec 2020 We (2) walked up Castleberg Crag and picked litter
On 1 Nov 2020 We went on our first walk for the climate (in the rain) - (3 plus 3) beside the Ribble in Giggleswick and Settle

Oct 2023

Fri 13 Oct: Workshop on Money
(incl supper).
Facilitator: Lyndsay Burtonshaw (campaigner with the Faith in Action team at Friends House London.) Held at Settle Catholic Church.

Lets talk about Money

6pm: Simple meal.

Summer/Autumen 2023

Eco-Explorers: (for children aged 4-11 plus their families) Alternate Mondays. On Oct 9: Meet at the sharp bend at the top of Langcliffe Brow at 4pm for a walk SD82976529. Bring strong shoes. - Fungus foray, -Waxcap watch. Please phone 07950469545 or email if you plan to come. return by 5.30pm. I can offer a lift from Settle for up to 3 people.

ECo-Exploresrs-9 Oct

We had two successful Eco-Explorers Day Camps up at Lower Winskill Farm on 15 and 16 Aug.


Eco-Explorers meet on alternate Mondays for the first half of this term Sept 11 25, Oct 9 & 23 4pm-5.30pm. Please tell anyone you know with children aged 4-11 that they will be very welcome.

See Settle Eco-Explorers on Facebook a


On 25th Sept we meet at St John's Methodist Church Hall.

Wed 20 Sept: Meeting of Settle Hangout - Youth Club at Settle Methodist Church Hall


14-20 May 2023 - Christian Aid Week

Christian Aid Week 2023 raised £3019.12 A big thank you to all who collectd, organised events and donated. The events were:

Plant sale in the Friends Meeting House Garden all week

Wed 17 May: Christian Aid Coffee Evening 6-7.30pm at St John's Methodist Church

Sat 20 May 10-1pm: Christian Aid: Big Brekkie & Brunch Butties Holy Ascension Church, Church St, Settle BD24 9JA

Sat 20 May: Christian Aid Afternoon Tea Quaker Meeting House Kirkgate, Settle BD24 9DZ 3 – 4.30pm Saturday 20 May



Rev Keith Hunter - Bishop Keith - formely of Zion Church Settle died recently. His funeral is on 10 July at 10.50am at Waltonwrays Crematorium, Skipton followed by refreshments at the Conistone Hotel.

Rev Diane Hunter was the minister Zion Chapel community before it closed a few years ago [after 199 years!] along with Rev Keith. They were big supporters of CTISAD, hosting our Sunrise Service on Easter morning, and providing breakfast afterwards. They also led a time of remembrance at the cenotaph on 11 November for many years. Keith would play his accordion at many outdoor events.

Lots of people were so sorry not to be able to say goodbye to Rev. Diane nearly three years ago, when she passed on during lock down. Please make this information known to your church community: there are those who would like to know, even if they can't accept the invitation to attend the funeral.


This week we remember Phyllis Walker who died 13th January 2023.. Her funeral is at the Cremetorium on Monday 30 January. She organised the Christan Aid Coffee evenings for many years. Back in 2017 we presented her with a 50 years certificate


Christian Aid
Evening May 2017- See report in Craven Herald


The theme of this year's Week of Prayer for Chrisitian Unity was "Be-Longing" and included the theme of racial justice. This video was shown at the service on Sunday 22 Jan

Unity Week


Dec 2022

We sang carols beside the Market on the two Tuesdays before Christmas

"It came upon a mdinight clear"
- Settle Market Place 13 Dec:

The Seven Joys of Mary (sung at the Talbot)

Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells

Nov 2022

Sat 26 November: The Mother's Union met at Holy Ascension at 12.40 ready to walk to the market place at 1pm for short demonstration about gender based violence and genital mutilation.

The campaign is called 1 in 3.

. Gender-based violence is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Spanning many societies, it can affect anyone at any time and takes many forms. It can be part of a damaging cultural ‘norm’, or hidden behind closed doors. It can be very difficult to ask for help.

Aug 2022


We had a great two days at Eco-Explorers held at Lower Winskill Farm 16-17 Aug. 8 families came on the Tuesday and 12 on the Wednesday. Read about it and see more pictures in the Craven Herald.




At the begining of the Autumn term Eco-Explorers will meet forthnightly on a Monday evening from 4pm till 5.30pm and go for a short walk near Settle. Ask For details. Next meeting: Mon 14 Nov


  Thanks to all who helped and contributed at Christian Aid Week: 15-21 May 2022. We raised £2834!!
4 March 2022

Friday 4 March 2pm: World Day of Prayer- this year it was held at St John's Methodist Church. - This year it was been written by the women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
God of the past, the present and the future,
Our thoughts and prayers are with our sisters and brothers in the Ukraine and the surrounding countries in their fear and distress

We pray that reconciliation will overcome hatred,
peace will conquer war,
hope will replace despair
and that your plans for the region will be fulfilled,
God, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

See video of the favourite hymn "The Day thou gavest"

Jan 2022

Christian Unity Week

THe Churches Together Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which was reported in the Craven Herald was recorded and can be watched here:-

May 2021

people . . plants

Christian Aid Week


Walk by Ribble




Six of us went on a "Pray for the Environment" Walk (and look at flowers , lichens and pick up litter walk on 1 May 2021



Note: Doris Cairns' book "Wildlife in a Churchyard" - 112pp, A3 landscape - a beautiful coffee table book with her paintings, photos and interesting facts about wildlife - from flowers and fungi, birds and bees to moths and mosses - has now been printed. You can get a copy at St Alkelda's. It follows the trees through the year - so now is a good time to get it.

These cost £10-00 (generously subsidised by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust) and make an excellent Christmas Present. They can also be bought from the YDMT £12-50 inluding postage .. (If you send it direct as a present it solves the postage hassel!). If you live in Giggleswick/Settle contact David Fox to buy a copy direct 01729 823493 for £10-00. There are only a few left.


wildlife in a churchyard book


The map of the tree species in the churchyard -
enables you to teach yourself how to identify trees.
The book is worth it for the map alone!

Dec 2019

We remember with affection and respect Father Tony Boylan - former Chair of Churches Together

who died recently at the age of 80. A funeral servicetook place at 11am on Wed 11 Dec at The Roman Catholic Church, Robin Lane, High Bentham.

When we had meetings about "Fair Trade goods" (see picture and account of 2013 Fair Trade Fortnight event here.. Boylan

he used to say it is much much, much, more important to change our trade systems

, than just to satisfy our consciences by buying Fair Trade Goods and he encouraged us to support Global Justice Now.

After our St John's/Churches Together Party for Fair-Trade Fortnight on March 2013 He gave a short talk on trade justice, pointing out that unfair tax rules between rich powerful countries and poor countries often makes it impossible for poor farmers to sell their products.

He was also instrumental in getting us disciplined into writing a Settle Churches Together Constitution. Thank you.



Hustings organised by Churches Together were held at St John's on November 27 2019

See a video of the candidates at an Eco Hustings of the same people held on 16 November held at the Victoria Hall


bug houses

Messy Church

Messy Church



The September meeting organised by the Justice and Peace group was on Tax, with an excellent talk by Olivia Hanks of Quaker Head Office. She told us about Church Action for Tax Justice:



See pictures of 2018 passion play here

See pictures of 2017 passion play here

May 2017

Christian Aid

Presenting 50 year certificate at Christian Aid Coffee Evening - See report in Craven Herald

May 2017

Below:-Churches Together Barn Dance - Catholic Church Hall in Aid of Saving World Wildlife for Future Generations - 5 May 2017. The Barn Dance raised 133.50

barn dance 2017   barn dance food

Churches Together in Settle and District 2016 AGM Minutes here.
Churches Together in Settle and District 2015 AGM Minutes here.

Christmas 2016

Singing We Three Kings - Settle Market Place 20 Dec

Talk 2016

Christian Aid Talk for One World Week on 25 Oct 2016. Shelagh Fawcell recommended resources

LOAF meal

The talk was held at the Catholic Church Hall

The Christian Aid Coffee evening on 18 May 2016 raised 390 pounds for Christian Aid. The stalls were cards, cakes, plants, bricabrac, with extra donations for refreshments, door and quiz sales and other donations.

Christian Aid May 2016   Christian Aid


Pictures of Good Friday Passion Play 2016

and Easter Dawn Service 2016


See videos of Churches together Songs of Praise 8 August 2015 at Holy Ascension

One Church One Faith One Lord


How great though art

Lift High the Cross


Memorial service for W.R.Mitchell was held on Tues 10 Nov not a CTISAD event - but many CTISAD members there:

Last big service at St John's Methodist Church Building.

One World Week Talk 2015 oww-2015By Philip Lewis on - See Craven Herald Report - Muslims and history and the way forward - Held at the church of the Holy Ascension.

See accounts of Walks for Creation:
23 July 2015
1 Sep afternoon
1 Sep Evening

17 April: Hustings

Churches Together in Settle organised the Hustings on 17 April at St John's Methodist Church:


Songs of Praise

8 August 2015 at Holy Ascension

One Church One Faith One Lord


How great though art

Lift High the Cross


Christian Aid Coffee Evening May 2015


See Summer WYEC (West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council) Newsletter online - pages 4,5,6 for pictures of events in our area - you'll see people you know.

Money raised for Christian Aid in May 2015: Thanks to all who helped: £2853.90 made of:-
Coffee Evening + quiz sheets......... £574.61
supplemented by additional plant sales!
Talk and lunch at the Friends..........£150.00
Street collection outside Naked Man.£126.65
Door to door envelopes................£2002.64
supplemented by extra donations at shops

xChurches Together Christian Aid Coffee Eveing on 13 May raised £500.03. thanks to all who came and who contributed.

Election Hustings- Panel of prospective parliamentary candidates 17 April hustings Click to page with more pics and videos

Some Big Breakfasts in 2015 Held 3rd Saturday of the month 8.30am big breakfast bb
Churches Together Barn Dance 2015 in aid of Tanzanian Street Children Project. Held at the Catholic Church Hall on 20 March 2015
Carol Singing December 2014
Picture coming shortly Churches Together Carol singing outside Naked Man (Youtube) "We Three Kings" - Youtube
Singing Carols on Christmas Day at Langcliffe (Youtube) Carols before Christmas Lunch 25 Dec Settle Community Christmas Day meal held at St John's Church Hall(blog)
One World Week October 2014

One Climate One World Week MealRead Online Reports in Craven Herald and Christian Ecology Link


Ben Oldham (Centre backrow) from CAFOD gave a talk and we signed pledges about actions we would take to reduce the rate of climate change.

Christmas 2013 settle-square Carol singing - join us again 11am 20 Dec 2014
One World Week October 2013 oww 3rd from left: Alex Jones of Christian Aid who talked to One World Week Meeting on 23 Oct with members of Justice and Peace Group

Holiday Club August 2013


holiday club 2013 fish meal
Parachute game Fish and Crafts Lunch on last day

Pentecost BBQ in the Millennium Gardens - 19 May 2013

bbq banner

bbq bbq  White flower quiz

2013 Settle Good Friday Passion Play


Click here for pictures and video of more scenes

 Video of crucifixion scene.
Talk on Trade Justice - 2 March

julian smithgroup

Right: Julian Smith MP

Left centre: Liz Taylor and Julian Smith

*Report on meeting

*Three things we can do about Trade Justice

Here the Centurion gives his thoughts.
Click for more pictures & videos of Apr 2012

Churches Together Barn dance Jan 2012


Only watch this video if you really want to - It may make you a bit dizzy ;)

Click here for more pictures of the event

Carol singing December 2011 - here at Booths. Afterswards we went to the Coop.
Bishop Nick the new Bishop of Bradford ascends Pen y Ghent on the longest day 21 June 2011Pen y G

Pen y ghent

Ascending the steep face


Yorkshire FogCTISAD web editor says: "There were 17 of us. We saw Yorkshire Fog - both the meteorological sort and the grass sort - and Red Clover.. and more..
Settle Passion Play Easter 2011
For more pictures of the Settle Easter 2011 passion play
Click on A and B and C . Join us again in 2013!

lily of the valley

The Series of Five Evenings in Lent 2011 arranged and sponsored by -CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SETTLE AND DISTRICT- For the people of Settle and District - FACING-UP TO END OF LIFE ISSUES - (Practicalities) - was held at : St John's Methodist Church Hall, Church Street , Settle BD24 9JH - 7.30 – 9.00pm each evening



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August Holiday Club as reported in Methodist Recorder 2010

Environmnet Sunday Walk June 2010 Churches Together Environment Sunday Walk June 2010

Above: 7am after the Easter Morning Service 2010- The birds sang with us.

Assembling for the Settle 2010 Good Friday Drama - including John Diggles with the loudspeaker van.

1  1
Jesus is led by the Temple Police (Police acted by Christian Motorcyclists Association)

Jesus was brought before the High Priests Council in Settle Market Square.

Beautiful Illustrated leaflet - Times of Services of Churches - 2013 -
-      CTISAD stands for "Churches Together in Settle and District":More events



Above: Pentecost 31 May 2009. service in Millennium Gardens, followed by barbecue at St John's Methodist Church Hall
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Settle's answer to Oberammergau: Easter 2009

( Please enquire about the video and more pictures of the event. )


Fri 10 April


Picture above: Barabas
Pic on right - Jesus arrested and taken to the High Priest.
Left above: Pilate
Left below: The Roman Centurion

Route followed: 10.15 Meet in front of the Catholic Church, Kirkgate, Settle
10.20 Jesus washes the disciples' feet Beside Catholic Church
10.40 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Millennium Gardens
11.00 The trial of Jesus Market Place
11.30 Reflections from the cross Grass slope above Greenfoot Car Park

Above: Jesus washes disciples feet.

Below: Dress rehearsal

The last supper:


Right: 6.45 am Easter Morning
Churches Together service followed by breakfast at Zion.


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Settle Churches walking to the Cenotaph 9 November 2008 for Remembrance Day.

Beadssettle beads      





Making a bracelet at Settle Community Festival 27 September 2008

Some pictures of recent events related to CTISAD Althea Shevill (CTISAD chairperson) et al organise LOAF meal for the Bradford Diocese Synod at Tosside in June 2008. L-ocal O-rganic A-nimal Friendly, F-airly traded - See the Strawberry pavlovas! Your web editor visits Greenbelt for the first time! Aug 2008


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Pentecost Service and Celebrations 31 May 2009 held in Millennium Gardens -- Yes a hot weather scene on this website at last!
Feeding lambs lambing service Lambing Service near Horton on 27 April 2008  

Good Friday March 21 2008 - and in the snow, Easter Sunday
More pictures and videos


It's 4 U Ceilidh with "Pluck and Squeeze" 20 Oct 2006
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Launch of It's 4 U 23 Sept 2006
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Joint trip to Malham: Women of Churches Together and Touchstone Interfaith Women's Group - July 2006

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Bishop of Bradford's
Ramble from Austwick
to Clapham

16 July 2006

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Bishop rededicates Church powered by new wind turbine - 16 July at Dalehead, near Tosside, Lancs.

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barbecue on Whit Sunday Pentecost at Settle - pictures - 4 June 2006                                    
parachute games
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lower winskill Wildflower Walk on Environment Sunday pictures - 4 June 2006
lower winskill
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Report of Talk organised by CTISAD: 16 Feb 2006
Working with the Muslim Community in Bradford

by Deacon Marian Sharp and Mrs Awais Moghul. Asian aperitifs (curry snacks etc).

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Read about the GLOBAL WARMING - WHAT WE CAN DO -Mini-Conference
Organised by "Local Action for Justice and Peace"
at Bentham Methodist Church on 22 Oct, and the trip back via the Quaker Organic Greenhouses at Growing with Grace

Christian Aid Week

A sum of £1215-38p was raised in this year's Christian Aid Week, as a result of all the events including the Coffee Morning and the House to House collections. Thank you to all who took part and to all who gave.

Good Friday Walk on Fri 14 April 2006 (larger pictures)

    Ribble-pilgrimage on right    


Bottom left: Rev Peter Yorkstone in green, leads a prayer on a rock near Queens Rock, Giggleswick.

Bottom right: After the market place service, where we were joined by members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, we went to Settle Parish Church for hot cross buns.

A German family on holiday in Settle came round with us - sad to miss an ecumenical service in their home town 100km north of Frankfurt, they were delighted to join our event.

On the Square Don Secretan read a good poem about there being no remains of the wooden cross left, but that Jesus words are left and words can give us vision.

Wendy Holt told us movingly about the pain that people suffer in a crucifixion - but that Jesus had words of kindness for his mother and for the thief crucified beside him. Jesus' words of forgiveness, encouragement and comfort show the depth of God's love for us all, for his love has no bounds. This led into the final hymn which finished:

"Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were an offering far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all"

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Churchyard Wildlife Seminar

Sat 21 May 2005

Over 40 people from right across Yorkshire to Lancashire came to the Churchyard Management Seminar held at St Mary's Church, Long Preston on Saturday 21 May 2005. Three staff and three volunteers from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust ran the seminar.

Revd. Mark Russell-Smith (the vicar) and Revd. Rachel Wilson (the curate) welcomed people to the meeting. The seminar was supported by the Bowland Deanery of the Bradford Diocese. ...

The event was timed to link in with the Environment Sunday on June 5 th

Read more .....         See also Church and Conservation

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Ed Beale - right - at Stainforth breakfast A Baptist from Leeds in 2004 walked from Land's end to John O Groats to raise awareness about Climate Change. (and giving talks at churches en route.)

A group of people from different local churches (Methodist, Catholic, Quaker and Anglican) and conservation organisations gave him a breakfast sendoff at Stainforth on 22 October 2004, whilst on the Pennine Way
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Pictures of earlier events


Times of Church Services and Masses in Settle and District

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Churches & Services

(Download leaflet listing Times of Services of all churches in Settle and District for 2013)


Anglican Settle
Catholic -Settle
Christian Fellowship -Settle
Congregational - Settle
Friends - Settle
Methodist - Settle

and District:-

Methodist - Rathmell
Methodist - Long Preston

Anglican Giggleswick village
Anglican Giggleswick School Chapel
Long Preston
Anglican Stainforth

NISCU (Northern Inter-School Christian Union)
Anley Hall Nursing Home
Messy Church

Times of Church Services and Masses in Settle and District

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(Download leaflet listing Times of Services of churches in Settle and District for 2013)

holiday clubMessy Church Third Sunday of the month 3.30pm-5.30pm (Except sometimes if there is a holiday club in the month)

Held at St John's Church Hall, Church Street. Settle. Fun church for families of all ages - celebration, Craft Activities and Meal. (Individuals welcome too)



NISCU (Northern Inter-School Christian Union) clubs: email
Niscu Craven is part of a larger charitable organisation working in Cumbria, North Lancashire and the Craven area of North Yorkshire. The work involves visiting local schools and delivering assemblies, running lunch clubs and taking lessons. Running alongside this is a residential programme and one off youth events and activities. Niscu Craven is funded by local churches and individuals in the area.

For further information, email or telephone 07919 694167

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Catholic Church Tillman Close, Settle (01729 822525)
St Mary's and St Michael's Catholic Church email


Sat (Vigil of Sunday) 6 pm
Sun 11.15 am
Tue 10 am
Thur 10 am
Fri 10 am

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Settle Christian Fellowship, Duke Street, Settle (01729 822753) email

Sunday 10.45am

Mon 7.30 Prayer Meeting

House group Wednesdays. Phone for details or see website

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Settle Methodist Church, Church Street, Settle (01729 822554) e-maill
St John's Methodist Church
(Methodist Circuit)

Sunday 10.30am Morning service
Evening service only on special occasions

Tuesday 10 am - 12 am Coffee Morning, with optional 15 min service at 10.45 . !st Tuesday in month coffee morning for special charity of the month, other Tuesdays for church funds

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ZionZion Congregational, Castleberg Lane, Settle 01524242011 email

Wallflowers on 1 Nov at ZionSunday 10.45am
Thursday 2pm




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Settle Quaker Meeting , Kirkgate, Settle (01729 822313) email
Meetings: Sunday 10.30 – 11.30am (with children’s class)
Tuesday 12.15 – 12.45pm

Tuesday 10 a.m. -midday: Traidcraft shop and coffee morning


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Settle Parish Church Church Street, Settle (01729 824191)


The Parish Church of the Holy Ascension, Settle

Sundays 9.30 am: Parish Communion
except 2nd Sunday 9.30am: Family Worship;
Tue 9.30 am Holy Communion ( 1/2 hour)
Tue 10am-midday Coffee; Lunches in Summer.
Mon-Sat 8.30am Morning Prayer (If - (occasionally) priest/leader not there because they are away from Settle, use prayer sheet))

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Giggleswick Church in February

Giggleswick Parish Church- (01729 824191)
St Alkelda, Giggleswick

Every Sunday 8 am except 2nd Sun
BCP Holy Communion
1st Sun 11a.m  All Age Communion (CW)
2nd.3rd.5th Sun11am Parish Communion CW
4th Sun 11am Morning Prayer
Every Sun 4.30pm Informal Worship
4th Sun 6pm Sung Evensong
Wed 9.30am Communion
Mon-Sat 5.15pm Evening Prayer (If - (occasionally) priest/leader not there because they are away from Settle, use prayer sheet))

KEY - BCP = Book of Common Prayer 1662; CW = Common Worship

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Giggleswick School Chapel

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Rathmell Methodist Church (01729 822554) e-mail

Sunday 2.00 pm except 2nd Sunday of month when it is at 10.30am
2nd Tuesday of month(ish) (Not in summer): Guild, with speakers

Rathmell Junior Church held at Rathmell Primary School 01729 840360

3.30-4.15pm Alternate Wednesdays in term-time

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RathmellRathmell Parish Church (01729 824191) Holy Trinity Church, Main Street, Rathmell near Settle North Yorkshire BD24 0LA.  

2nd Sun 9.30am Family Service with Rathmell Primary School
4th Sun 11.00 am Parish Communion

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Long Preston Anglican Church (01729 851511) email
Churchyard wildlife visit
Every Sunday 11.00 am: Morning Worship
St Mary's Parish Church, Long Preston
Church Street
Long Preston
BD23 4NJ

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Long Preston Methodist Church-01756 793522
11am Sunday Worship)

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Langcliffe church 2008Upper Ribblesdale: Langcliffe, Stainforth and Horton:(01729 823010)

Only one service at each church each Sunday: Please see church notice boards or telephone to enquire where and when.

9.00 Holy communion BCP
10.30 Holy Communion CW
3.00/6.30 Evensong

Langcliffe Parish Church(above right) (01729 822831) email See church notice board for times of services and website-St John the Evangelist

Horton in Ribblesdale Parish ChurchHorton in Ribblesdale Parish Church (01729 860468) email See church notice board for times of services- St Oswald's

Stainforth Parish Church(01729 824471) email See church notice board for times of services - St Peter's

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Anley Hall Nursing Home Skipton Road
Last Sunday of month 3pm
- Praise Service - organised by Zion- (01524 242011)
First Monday of month 2.30pm - Holy Communion (organised by Settle Parish church staff)   01729 824191

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Christmas Presence - Asking and Listening

Lord we ask your presence.

We remember that the best present we can give many people, especially the old, the house bound, the lonely etc is our presence - Deep attention and deep listening are the activities of true presence

     Everyone has a story to tell, and when we ask others to share a personal story, they are almost always invigorated. 

(modified from Better Conversations email)

Eco-Pledge Tree   Quaker Meeting House Settle   Spreading salt near Giggleswick Church Settle   Carol Singing at Chruches Together Settle, led by Catholic priest   
Snow scenes from Settle

View from Castleberg 19 Dec 2009


20 Dec 2009



Heron watching salmon jumping at Stainforth Foss - Oct 2007





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Times of Church Services and Masses in Settle and District

(c) Churches Together in Settle and District (2000-2024)  email: